“ 79.5 million people worldwide have been forced to flee their homes.” – unhcr
About the Paintings
These images, of refugees and victims of war, rise out of my deep concern over the lack of social justice for billions. I hope my paintings will help toward ceasing our endless wars, for life should have meaning, be lived with dignity, allow for creative differences, and declare freedom of religious expression. I dedicate my work to the dear peoples who inhabit my canvases who I could do nothing to rescue. Most of us would prefer to turn away from these sad images, but I believe it is the purpose of art to record and witness our human experience.
The Paintings Focus on:
- How the hero’s quest affects all societies through myth and memory.
- The consequences of war: The victimization of women and children.
- The genocidal and barbaric impulses that can rise in societies and are uncontrolled by international law.
- The self under siege in a rapidly changing society.
My Art is Shared With Those Working for Peace and Justice:
- Download my art presentation and related materials.
- Use my images and commentaries in your Peace & Justice work.
- Contact me for high resolution images for your projects.
- Download “Against Forgetting: The Human Condition,” an art show presentation, one hour, annotated, with discussion questions, activism ideas, booklist.